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Sustainable asphalt solutions

construction worker making products

High-performance roadmaking products.

SteelPhalt has been developing and manufacturing high-performance asphalt products for roadmaking in the UK industry.

Established in Rotherham in the 1960s, SteelPhalt is ideally located to source slag in a cost-effective manner from the surrounding steel industry - a sustainable way of making asphalt. Additionally, all SteelPhalt products use 95% recycled materials.

With a reputation for first-class products matched by a commitment to innovation and sustainability, SteelPhalt works in partnership with councils, local authorities and contractors to deliver durable roads for a sustainable world.

History of SteelPhalt

Since its foundation, SteelPhalt has become a byword for durable roads.

The brand SteelPhalt was launched in 1964 and has grown to become one of the busiest asphalt plants in the UK.

After celebrating 50 years in 2014, SteelPhalt embarked on its sixth decade with an evolving product portfolio and a reputation for technical support, responsiveness and on-time delivery recognized by manufacturers and engineers nationwide.

construction work
testing the slag

Steel slag has inherent properties that make it suitable as a surface course for roadmaking.

Some key properties include:

  • The exceptional strength and durability of steel slag extends the life of the road and increases the time between road maintenance needs.
  • Steel slag achieves and maintains high skid resistance throughout its whole life on the road as a result of its capacity to regenerate its surface roughness over time.
  • The use of steel slag avoids the use of quarried materials and avoids landfill of residual slag product.

Through detailed knowledge and experience of working with our roadmaking materials, we are able to offer various products to suit different application types.

Sustainable Asphalt Solutions

We are the right choice for all your asphalt needs, now more than ever.

Reach out to our team of experts today.